Two-Headed Monster - The PfizerFDA Mutant
Pfizer Uses FDA as Alibi in its Fascist Defense Against Fraud Allegations
Greetings, fellow members of the resistance. Allow us to regale you with another TDU tale of biomedical fascism, corruption, and the double-dealings in the healthcare industry.
The monster has two heads. It’s the Pfizer-FDA crossbreed. And the beastly creature is the result of agency capture - the dangerous liaison between government health care bureaucracies and Big Pharma. And from the fallout of the COVIDcrisis, we know it's wreaking havoc on our healthcare freedoms faster than greased lightning.
What the heck is biomedical fascism?
It's when the government and drugmakers interbreed and start making decisions about your health without your consent. It's like if your own corporate-employed doctor suddenly morphs into a vampire and starts sucking your blood (without your consent), except instead of blood, it's your sovereign right to make informed medical decisions that he’s sucking out.
So what does this have to do with Pfizer and the FDA?
As the result of mainstream media control of your programming and the prevailing narratives, you probably haven’t heard much about Pfizer’s shady business with their COVID-19 mRNA jabs, but vaccine researcher-turned-whistleblower Brook Jackson has blown the lid off their deception. And instead of owning up to its fraudulent practices, Pfizer has used its close ties with the FDA to try to slither its way out of trouble.
But fellow Integrators, fear not. Listen to this TDU episode #5 to learn more as we continue to shine the TDU spotlight on the truth and fight for our healthcare freedoms. We also highly recommend listening to the Viva and Barnes podcast, where Attorney Robert Barnes bravely defends Brook Jackson and exposes the corruption of Pfizer and the FDA.
Why is this case so important for TDU listeners?
Because it's a wake-up call, a warning of the dangers of biomedical fascism and the need for transparency and freedom of choice in healthcare, so take heed, friends, and stay informed. And true to that, check out our document, Adverse Events from Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Categorized by System and Associated Autoimmune Mechanisms, because knowledge is power.
We especially want to thank Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency in suing the FDA and Pfizer and forcing them to release the infamous Pfizer documents containing the previously hidden adverse events that occur from the genetic messenger RNA inoculations.
Together, We The People can slay the two-headed monster - the Pfizer-FDA mutant - and reclaim our healthcare freedoms. We encourage you to tune in to this episode to find out more.
Stay informed and stay vigilant, fellow Integrators.